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Dachser: new warehouse will further speed up shipment consolidation

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International logistics provider Dachser Czech Republic has launched a new transshipment hall at its largest Czech branch in Kladno. The just completed building has expanded the logistics centre by 4,000 m² to a total of 18,500 m² of logistics space with a state-of-the-art cross-dock. The construction brings an increase in the company's capacity in the region and will enable even faster clearance and delivery of shipments throughout Europe.

The branch in Kladno is connected to a dense European logistics network for land transport, which includes 220 own and 64 partner branches and thousands of lines optimally routed between them. From the Czech Republic alone, there are 100 direct daily pick-up lines. The branch in Kladno has direct connections to all three Dachser Eurohubs in Germany, France and Slovakia and to a further 34 destinations in 11 countries.

"The new transshipment warehouse is a significant investment and another major step in the development of the Kladno branch," says Ing. Michal Křižan, General Manager of Dachser Kladno, and adds, "We will achieve even faster consolidation of shipments to all key destinations in Europe and shorten the time of delivery by collection service. At the same time, the new development will free up space for contract logistics - the intelligent integration of warehousing, global transportation and value-added services."

Dachser began construction of the transshipment terminal in July 2023 with the aim of building facilities that will be connected to the existing hall and allow it to absorb additional volumes of goods and further speed up transshipment processes. The new 4,000 m² of transhipment space is equipped with 36 loading gates and is built to modern standards consistent across the Dachser European network. The logistics centre in Kladno has also been expanded by a further 4,800 m² of outdoor logistics and handling space.

"The construction of the new transshipment hall is part of our long-term strategy for the development of our logistics network. As a family-owned company, we have a focus on long-term development built into the very foundations of our operations. The financing of our own construction is therefore largely from our own resources and we are implementing our plans despite the slight slowdown in the European economy," says Ing. Jan Pihar, CEO of Dachser Czech Republic a. s., and adds, "We are pleased that the new transshipment hall is now ready for the pre-Christmas season, which starts at the end of the summer holidays."

The Dachser Kladno branch is located on the northern outskirts of the city. The new warehouse was built by the company on its own premises in the former Koněv Steelworks, which was environmentally remediated several years ago in connection with previous construction. The construction includes a number of elements for climate and natural resource protection - the administrative part of the transshipment hall is equipped with heat pumps and air conditioning with heat recovery. LED lighting is installed in all interiors and lighting controls are controlled according to ambient light conditions. The company has constructed a reservoir to collect rainwater from the roof of the buildings, which will be used for sanitary facilities and irrigation of the green areas, and the surrounding area has been planted to preserve local biodiversity. Plans are underway to build its own photovoltaic power plant on the roof of the building, and the company will acquire a large-capacity storage facility to store excess energy. Dachser Kladno is also the flagship of the company's gradual transformation in the Czech Republic towards the use of emission-free technologies. The company has invested in the construction of its own charging stations for cars and trucks and provides zero-emission delivery from Kladno to selected parts of the Prague city centre (Dachser Emission-Free Delivery). At the same time, it operates its first two fully emission-free long-distance regular routes - domestic and international.

Dachser Kladno now comprises a total of 8,000 m² of transshipment space and 10,500 m² of warehouse space for contract logistics services with 16,000 pallet spaces, and the site has 92 loading gates. The company employs 230 people here. A new office building connected to the new transshipment warehouse and the redesign of the existing office space are nearing completion. The estimated total construction cost is EUR 12.6 million (CZK 300 million).
